Degassing Application
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The degassing process of liquids is a thrilling application for the ultrasonic gadget. During this process, the tiny suspended gas bubbles were efficiently removed by the ultrasound while decreasing the dissolved level of gas below its normal equilibrium.
Prior sample preparation in order to prevent errors to particle-size measurements.
Oil and lubricant degassing prior to the pumping process in order to lower the pump wear due to cavitation.
Degassing of liquid foods such as wine, juice, and sauce in order to significantly lower the growth of microorganisms, at the same time increasing their shelf life.
Degassing of polymers and varnished prior to the curing as well as application.
There are many different strategies used when degassing media such as subsequent filtering, helium sparging, warming, and vacuum degassing. This can give effective degassing solutions but will become more efficient if you’ll use a great solvent together with the degassing process.
The AQUAQUICK 2000 product is very suitable for this because of its effectiveness for degassing via a sprinkler system. AQUAQUICK 2000 can be applied during the pre-wash via a sprinkler system to degas the area. Another option for degassing for example, Vacuum degassing which is performed in order to conveniently eliminate over 95% of the dissolved gas.
During liquids sonication, the sound waves are traveling right from the surface that’s radiating through the liquid media. As an outcome, it replaces high-pressure and low-pressure cycles along with specific rates based on the frequency level.
When the cycle is in low pressure, the ultrasonic waves will create small vacuum bubbles as well as voids inside the liquid. Therefore, a large number of tiny bubbles produce a high number of bubble in the surface area. In addition, these bubbles are distributed perfectly and efficiently into the liquid.
On the other hand, the dissolved gas will drift through the low-pressure vacuum bubble inside the larger surface area while increasing the size of the bubbles. The sound waves will hold up the coalescence as well as the touching of adjacent bubbles which will eventually lead to the hastened bubble growth.
The sonication of the waves also helps in the shaking of bubbles inside the vessel surface to go up and release the captured gas to the environment.
Avoid tumultuous agitation
Include shallow container
Heating of liquid
Provide a low-pressure vacuum beyond the liquid surface
Use sonotrode through the larger surface area
Apply low to moderate amplitudes
As a multipurpose product, AQUAQUICK 2000 can help you in the degassing process, making it more simplified for you and producing better results. This is especially useful before you start with a tank cleaning application. AQUAQUICK 2000 Has been used for degassing in many different tank cleaning projects.